Loss Tree Time-Series Results File
("Loss tree time-series.tsv")
One of the output files from the cloud is the advanced output file "Loss tree time-series.tsv". This file is only available when set to be exported via scripting.
The file presents the loss tree results for each time-step, where each value is an energy value expressed in kWh for a certain step in the calculation. Below there is a description of the different columns in this file.
Content of "Loss tree time-series.tsv"
Variable name | Description |
Start of period | Timestamp for the start of the period. |
FromGHI | Available energy from Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) integrated over all the modules area. |
FromPOAIrradiance | Energy after the transposition to the plane of array (POA). Irradiation integrated over all the modules area. |
FromPOAIrradianceIncludingHorizon | Energy at the plane of array after applying horizon losses. Irradiation integrated over all the modules area. |
FromPOAIrradianceIncludingSoiling | Energy at the plane of array after applying soiling losses. Irradiation integrated over all the modules area. |
FromPOAIrradianceIncludingIAM | Energy at the plane of array after applying angular losses in the front side of the modules. Irradiation integrated over all the modules area. |
FromPOAIrradianceIncludingSpectral | Energy at the plane of array after applying spectral losses. Irradiation integrated over all the modules area. |
FromPOAIrradianceIncBifacialGain | Energy at the plane of array after irradiation gain from the rear-side of the bifacial modules. Irradiation integrated over all the modules area. |
FromPOAIrradianceIncBifacialIAM | Energy at the plane of array after applying angular losses in the rear side of the modules. Irradiation integrated over all the modules area. |
FromPOAIrradianceIncBifacialShading | Energy at the plane of array after applying the shade factor for bifacial modules. Irradiation integrated over all the modules area. |
FromPOAIrradianceIncTransmissionFactor | Energy at the plane of array after applying the transmission factor for bifacial modules. Irradiation integrated over all the modules area. |
FromPOAIrradianceIncBackNearShading | Energy at the plane of array after near-shading losses for all irradiation components in the rear-side of the modules. Irradiation integrated over all the modules area. |
FromPOAIrradianceIncBeamShading | Energy at the plane of array after near-shading losses of beam irradiation in the front side of the modules. Irradiation integrated over all the modules area. |
FromPOAIrradianceIncSkyDiffuseShading | Energy at the plane of array after near-shading losses of sky diffuse irradiation in the front side of the modules. Irradiation integrated over all the modules area. |
FromPOAIrradianceIncReflectedBeamShading | Energy at the plane of array after near-shading losses of reflected irradiation originated from beam irradiation reflected from the ground in the front side of the modules. Irradiation integrated over all the modules area. |
FromPOAIrradianceIncReflectedDiffuseShading | Energy at the plane of array after near-shading losses of reflected irradiation originated from diffuse irradiation reflected from the ground in the front side of the modules. Irradiation integrated over all the modules area. |
AssumingModuleNominalEfficiency | Energy available from the plane of array irradiation multiplied by the measured efficiency of the modules. |
AssumingModeledSTCEfficiencyExcludingModelingCorrection | Energy available from the plane of array irradiation multiplied by the efficiency calculated using the diode model, at STC, without applying the modelling correction and finding the maximum power point. |
AssumingModeledSTCEfficiency | Energy available from the plane of array irradiation multiplied by the MPP efficiency calculated using the diode model, at STC, but including the modelling correction. |
UsingSubStringMPPAtStandardTemp | Energy available using the MPP (maximum power point) at standard reference temperature. |
UsingSubStringMPPAfterIncludingTemperature | Energy available using the MPP (maximum power point) at the estimated cell temperature. |
AfterIncludingPowerBinning | Energy after considering the module power binning effect has been taken into account. |
AfterIncludingLID | Energy after considering LID (light-induced degradation) effects. |
AfterIncludingModuleQuality | Energy after module quality factor (other modelling adjustment) has been taken into account. |
AfterIncludingModuleMismatch | Energy after considering the module mismatch effect. |
AfterIncludingBifacialityFactor | Energy after modifying the rear-side irradiation contribution based on the bifacility factor of the modules. |
AfterIncludingBifacialMismatch | Energy after rear-side irradiance mismatch has been taken into account. |
AfterUsingIrradianceForMostShadedCell | Energy after considering the irradiance level at the most-shaded cell of the modules. |
AfterUsingPowerInOptimizers | Energy after getting the unconstrained available power at the optimizers. It accounts for the electrical mismatch among sub-modules IV curves connected to the same optimizer. |
AfterOperationalInputLimitsFromOptimizers | Energy after considering the DC constraints at the input of the optimizers. These include minimum DC voltage, maximum DC voltage, maximum DC current, and maximum DC power. |
AfterEfficiencyLossFromOptimizers | Energy after considering the efficiency losses in the optimizers. |
AfterOperationalOutputLimitsFromOptimizers | Energy after considering the DC constraints at the output of the optimizers. These include the maximum DC output voltage, minimum DC output voltage and maximum DC output current. |
AfterElectricalMismatchWithinArrays | Energy after considering electrical mismatch within arrays (strings connected to a single inverter input). |
AfterDCOhmicLoss | Energy after ohmic losses of the DC collection are applied to the I-V curves. |
AfterElectricalMismatchWithinInputs | Energy after considering electrical mismatch within inverter inputs. |
AfterInverterMinDcVoltageConstraint | Energy after inverter's minimum DC voltage limits has been taken into account. |
AfterInverterMaxDcCurrentConstraint | Energy after inverter's maximum DC current limits has been taken into account. |
AfterInverterMaxDcVoltageConstraint | Energy after inverter's maximum DC voltage limits has been taken into account. |
AfterInverterMinDcPowerConstraint | Energy after inverter's minimum DC power limits has been taken into account. |
AfterInverterEfficiencyLosses | Energy after inverter efficiency has been taken into account. |
AfterInverterMaxACOutput | Energy after inverter maximum AC power has been taken into account. |
AfterInverterOverPowerShutdown | Energy after inverter overpower shut down has been taken into account. |
AfterNightTimeLoss | Energy after the night-tare losses of the inverters. |
AfterACOhmicLoss | Energy after ohmic losses of the AC collection. |
AfterTransformerLoss | Energy after transformer losses. |
AfterGridConnectionLimit | Energy after grid connection losses. |
AfterGridAvailability | Energy after grid availability losses. Final energy produced by the PV plant after all losses. |